JP LeRoux is an award-winning screenwriter, creative director, and occasional juggler living outside of Seattle. He has an MFA in copywriting and has written commercials, websites, billboards, an unpublished novel, multiple web series, and an otter’s obituary. Working in advertising gave him the skills to conserve words, collaborate, and write within a budget. Living in the Pacific Northwest, known for sparkling vampires and damn good coffee, made him want to write high-concept genre features. His script, The Psycho Killer’s Guide to Love, won the horror screenplay competition at the Austin Film Festival and is currently optioned. Please check out some of his projects below.
(And if you're not in the entertainment industry and wondering why this is written in the third person...I'm not really sure, but it seems to be the industry standard.)

I've also been published in,, and and have dabbled in acting, which is showcased in this agency promotional video, which I also wrote, helped produce, and provided props for—I'm a quadruple threat!